Summary: review of chapters 1-3 instead of 4-5 due to cancellations.
Attended: Terri, Todd, Denise, Jan, Paul
Primary topics: raised beds, containers, sheet mulching, compost, no-till method, cover crops, hugelkultur, keyhole gardens, vermicomposting, compost tea, worm lecher, sourcing local materials
Summary: review of chapters 1-3 instead of 4-5 due to cancellations.
Attended: Terri, Todd, Denise, Jan, Paul
Primary topics: raised beds, containers, sheet mulching, compost, no-till method, cover crops, hugelkultur, keyhole gardens, vermicomposting, compost tea, worm lecher, sourcing local materials
- (compost, amendments, recycling, etc.)
- toby hemenway
- straw vs. salt hay
- ollas (irrigation with pots)
- sepp holzer, agro rebel
- permaculture guru in Lancaster, PA (Permaculture podcast) (my favorite podcasts)
- Sheet mulching with Bill Mollison (Permaculture godfather)
- online / free Permaculture Design Certification
- fungi: the rotten world around us
- Seaweed in the garden
- Dirt: the Movie
- Soil blocks
- Elliot Coleman
- Barbara Damrosch and Gardening Naturally
- Johnny's Select Seeds
- rain barrels
- rain diverter kits
- potable vs. non-potable water in the garden (audio)
- Geoff Lawton (urban, TED, Zatuna Farms, desert revitalization)
- composting bins
- composting leaves with Mike McGrath (and his radio show)
- cover crops (white clover, vetch, ryes)
- fork to fork
- cork husks at market basket
- OMRI certification
- Coast of Maine garden products and testimonials
And, I want to be this guy in 30 years...
Thanks so much for this, Paul! I'm bookmarking the page for future 'when I have time' moments! LOL!