So I finally got around to constructing some Ollas for use as irrigation buffering in my garden this upcoming season. Under the soil, they wick and release water slowly, “dampening” the effects of both day time moisture and temperature variations.
The simple DIY way is to bond two terra cotta pots together with a VOC-free waterproof sealant. I opted for ECO-BOND Farm-safe Adhesive because it had the best reviews from people who really sounded like they cared about what might leech into soil over time. Shipping wasn’t cheap, but what’s the point if it’s not good for the plants, the environment, or humans really.
I bought 24 x 4 inch pots and bases ($30 at big box store) and, while they're smaller than advertised ollas, they're a fraction of the price. Since I will be sinking two per bucket, I need them to be small anyway.
So far, the bond is setting up quite nicely and a test fill of one with water seems to be perspiring per design. The next step is to plug the top hole with two 1/4 inch tubes: one for the water inlet and the other for air pressure release when under the soil. I don’t know if this is necessary, but better I leave a line I can plug later than make two dozen pots that can’t fill or release properly.
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